Drowning in Paperwork?

Let DECAF help you with electronic court filing, today.

Call 866-859-7403 toll free

If you already have an account, give us a call at 877-332-2366 to activate your free ECF account feature.

Electronic Court Filing Q&A

The RELIABLE Choice is FREE!

  1. When do you file certificates with the court?
    Certificates completed one day are generally filed the next business day.
  2. How do you know to file certificates for me? Do you need my login?
    We have our own login. When we enter the case number, it brings up all the case parties.
  3. How will I know that you filed the certificate with the court?
    You will receive notification from the court when your name is on the case.
  4. If I authorize you to file for me and change my mind later, can I back out?
    Of course, ECF can be turned on or off.
  5. Is there a charge for your filing ECF?
  6. Can you file in all courts?
    Yes, we can file in 91 of 92 courts.
    (The only court district that doesn't allow ECF is New Hampshire.)