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Have you already filed for bankruptcy?

No, I have not
Course 1: Before filing

Before you can file, you must complete a credit counseling course from an approved agency*, like us.

Yes, I have
Course 2: After filing

After you file, and before your debts can be discharged, you must complete a financial education course from an approved agency*, like us.

Your first step to a fresh start begins here. Call us at 1-866-859-7323.

We are an approved provider*, we provide quality unbiased counseling assistance, and we're here to help. Online and phone courses, as well as counselors and technical support, are available 24/7.
*Approval does not endorse or assure the quality of a provider's services.

Why Choose BKcert?

Course 1 and Course 2 are offered through BKcert, a U.S. Trustee approved agency*.
  • Unparalleled expertise
  • Unbiased counseling
  • Unrivaled convenience
  • Couples filing jointly can complete courses together, at no additional charge

What Is DECAF?

Debt Education & Certification Foundation (DECAF) provides credit counseling certificates as required before filing for bankruptcy and Debtor Education courses to be completed after filing.

For Fee Waiver Qualifications, click here.

Contact Us

114 Goliad Street
Benbrook, TX 76126-2009
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